Nutrition Analysis

Nutrition facts information prepared and formatted for your specific needs

Technical Solutions for Food Safety and Quality

Review Your Current Labels

Review your current labels, or review labels prior to introduction to market

Ingredient Qualification

Reviewed for conformance with specific customer requirements

Technical Projects

Providing technical project management, oversight, and expertise


​Sara Bowie, President

Sara Bowie, President of Bowie Consulting, LLC, has more than twenty years experience in the food industry, and is uniquely qualified to assist your company with regulatory, technical and labeling projects. Sara has a background in Quality Assurance, Product Development and Regulatory Affairs, and possesses both technical and practical knowledge in a full range of product and manufacturing areas.


BS – Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Quality Assurance training-Pillsbury


Quality Assurance:
Plant inspections, review of production records, administration of quality programs, and evaluation of in-process and finished product
Product Development:
Natural snack foods, candy, and cookies
Regulatory Affairs:
Label review, kosher and organic certification management of hundreds of products
Pillsbury/Green Giant, Westbrae Natural Foods, The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. As President of Bowie Consulting, LLC, Sara has worked with companies ranging from small businesses to large corporations with national and international distribution